We believe in one and only one true and living God.
We believe the Father is the first person set forth in the Divine Trinity.
We believe that God the Son, is the second person set forth in the Divine Trinity.
We believe that God, the Holy Spirit, is the third person set forth in the Divine Trinity.
We believe that Satan is an actual person, not an imaginary influence, that once enjoyed high heavenly honors. We believe he lost those honors in an attempt to betray the Almighty. He now operates as the god of this world, as the prince and the power of the air.
We believe the Holy Bible is a supernatural book, inspired by God, is infallible, inerrant, and the complete revelation of God to man.
We believe that God created all original matter out of nothing. And, that such creation was accomplished in six literal 24 hour days, the evening and the morning being one day.
We believe that man was created in holiness and innocence. Man did voluntarily transgress the Lord’s command. This transgression did cause man to fall from the high and happy state in which he was created.
We believe that because of the fall of man, man is guilty before God. We believe that Jesus took upon the likeness of sinful flesh, and was perfectly obedient to the Law of God in His earthly walk. He therefore could become the sinless substitute. Since He was the sinless substitute He is able to take the sins of His people upon Himself, bear the just penalty for sins, and by His death on the cross, pour out His blood to pay the wages of sin for His people.
We believe that repentance and faith are solemn and inseparable graces wrought in the heart by the quickening of the Holy Spirit, and that the one quickened will express both. The one expressing faith will turn from their sin, turning to follow God.
We believe that salvation is by grace apart from works.
We believe that one who is born again has been regenerated becoming a new creature in Christ Jesus.
We believe that justification is secured through Christ for all those who trust Him; that it is a legal and divine decree, declaring the believing sinner just.
We believe that salvation wrought by grace is everlasting, that the saved soul is kept by the power of God, and shall not be brought into judgment.
We believe that sanctification is a divine work of grace, that it is an act of grace by which the believer is separated unto God and dedicated to His righteous purpose and a partaker of God’s holiness.
We believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth again; that His return will be personal, audible, visible, and bodily.
We believe that Jesus Christ arose bodily from the grave. We believe therefore there will be a resurrection of the just and the unjust. The just will be raised to eternal life. The unsaved will be raised to stand judgment before the Great White Throne, and eternal damnation.
We believe that rewards and salvation are not one in the same thing. We believe the Lord shall reward His own according to their deeds done in the body.
We believe there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked.
We believe that a New Testament Church is a local, visible organized body, that is composed of baptized believers associated together by a covenant of faith and fellowship in the Gospel.
We believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are the ordinances set forth in the Church. We believe that both are church ordinances to be administered by and observed in the local church body.
We believe that it is the right and privilege of local churches to cooperate with each other in carrying out the commission of the Lord.
We believe that Scriptural giving is one of the fundamentals of the faith.
Thanks for visiting our website.
Because He loved us, God visited this earth in the person of His Son Jesus.
Our goal at Emmanuel is to proclaim that Good News. Our desire is that our community would know the Good News of Christ Jesus coming into the world to save sinners.
We would love for you to join us, and help us share the hope we have because of the Good News of the Gospel.
We hope to see you soon.